Thursday, May 08, 2008

Conversation with the Bike Shop Guy

Today I went to the bike shop at our university to get the brakes tightened up. This, after I realized that those "Action Shoe" commercials, aired back in those days in India aren't very practical :) (The blokes in those ads stop their car with their shoe fitted feet scraping the road..and I used to do it on my bike:))).

Anyway, after telling him what to fix, we got into a conversation to while away the time. It went like this...

BSG: So what do you
Me: [aah..the sterotype] Well..Computer Science

B: I have heard they are having trouble finding more space on the ships?
M: Excuse me...ships..who?
B: Chips...The Intel guys
M: [Wow] Haha...I dont think so...Im sure they will find a way to increase the capacity.
B: But I think there wouldnt be space anymore..
M: They have been telling this for last 10 yrs..and they always found a way..they will
B: You mean by nanotechnology?
M: [Who is this guy] yea and quantum computing...blah

M: Did you study engineering?
B: No, I studied humanities. But I read stuff..I like learning every day
M: [Impressive]

B: So, do you want to start your own company?
M: Yea..I would love to. Its too early...I have to complete my Ph.D
B: You are in Ph.D? You look so young
M: [Thank you :)]
B: ...I am just kidding!
M: [WTF :)]

B: So what do you work on? software or hardware?
M: Umm..well..networks. I'm working on getting people connected while traveling in vehicles
B: Great...But don't distract the driver!
M: Haha..but it can be used by passengers too
B: But who wants network access while driving anyway?
M: Well..if there is an can get the info
B: Cool...But it has to be voice activated...shouldnt be touch based
M: [Man...this guy knows stuff] Haha...Yea it will be completely touch..blah

B: Have a female voice on the device..and some soothing 'raagas' in the background
M: Haha
B: Guys will love it..they wont leave their car...their wives would say "Honey why are you always in the garage..."
M: Haha..but what about females?
B: You never know [with a wide grin]
M: [I could interpret this in thousand ways :)] Haha

Its always interesting to see how non-techie guys think about stuff...though this guy was no ordinary!