Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Living in Europe

Well..I guess most of u guys would be dreaming about living thot ..i wud share a few things regding this..

First of all living outside means living independently...and its tuff ..atleast in the beginning.You have to cook for urself unless ur planning to spend all ur bucks on pizzas and burgers (mind you...v cant live on them entirely in anycase).If you are lucky, u can get enrolled in your univ's canteen where u can have meals at subsidized rates.

Language barrier is most important thing...when ur living in Europe.I dint expect this problem wud be so great.If ur in an international studs hostel..well n gud.Ow its really tuff since the local studs gen. prefer to speak in their native language.So,if your planning to stay on a long term here taking a language course is seriously advisable.In austria, there are no fking translations in supermarkets or for that matter anywhere.Every damn thing is in German and unless u get the hang of things its real difficult.On my first shopping here,I could barely buy a drink n some rice..phew.

Making frenz is very important ow it would be hell esp in weekends.One thing you notice here is the diff btw weekday and weekend thinking.Lots of planning goes on for spending weekends.Try to make frenz with ur hostel mates (its easier said than done..i agree..but ) n gel with them.

Enjoying urself..hmm.well this is one thing i havent come to terms with yet.But when you are abroad its very important that u should be able to enjoy urself...without frenz.If u can do things like going alone somewhere,shopping,sight seeing etc then u can really have much fun here ow...

Nonsense regding society...esp chics in nxt post..
till then..chao

Intern in Salz

Ive been staying here in Salzburg , Austria for the past two months for my internship.
Though my work aka research has been dull in the beginning its quite interesting now !

But I really dont know how I feel about this place.The place is like a laid back small country town, tho sophisticated compared to India.The night life is also pretty much dead (Not that Im a serious pub hopper..but still I like to see the crowds at nite!).

My experiences the next post.
